Multiparametric sensor (7 measures)

The Compact Weather Sensor is an all in one device for measuring of air temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, wind direction, wind speed, global radiation and precipitation (intensity, type and quantità).

Relative humidity is measured by means of a capacitive sensor element; a precision NTC measuring element is used to measure air temperature. Ultrasonic sensor technology is used to take wind measurements. Measurement output can be accessed by the following protocolls: Binary, ASCII, SDI-12, MODBUS. One external temperature or rain sensor is connectable.

Temperature is measured by way of a highly accurate NTC-resistor while humidity is measured using a capacitive humidity sensor. In order to keep the effects of external influences (e.g. solar radiation) as low as possible, these sensors are located in a ventilated housing with radiation protection. In contrast to conventional non-ventilated sensors, this allows significantly more accurate measurement during high radiation conditions. Additional variables such as dewpoint, absolute humidity and mixing ratio are calculated from air temperature and relative humidity, taking account of air pressure.

Absolute air pressure is measured by way of a built-in sensor (MEMS). The relative air pressure referenced to sea level is calculated using the barometric formula with the aid of the local altitude, which is user-configurable on the equipment.

The wind meter uses 4 ultrasonic sensors which take cyclical measurements in all directions. The resulting wind speed and direction are calculated from the measured run-time sound differential. The sensor delivers a quality output signal indicating how many good readings were taken during the measurement interval. In accordance with the specified sampling rate, the value of the last measurement is transmitted when the current measurement value is requested. Each measurement is stored in a circular buffer for the subsequent calculation of minimum, maximum and average values.

Precipitation is measured by a 24 GHz Doppler radar, which measures the drop speed of an individual drop of rain/snow. Precipitation quantity and intensity are calculated from the correlation between drop size and speed.  The difference in drop speed determines the type of precipitation (rain/snow).

When requesting the minimum and maximum values, the corresponding value is calculated - via the circular buffer at the interval (1 – 10 minutes) specified in the configuration - and transmitted. When requesting the average value, this is calculated - via the circular buffer at the interval (1 – 10 minutes) specified in the configuration - and transmitted. In this way moving averages can also be calculated. For some values the standard deviation is calculated for the same interval. The calculation of standard deviation will only be activated after the related UMB channel has been requested for the first time.

The global radiation is measured by a pyranometer mounted in the top cover of the sensor.

In the specific case of wind monitoring, measurements are calculated vectorially. To this end, the average values of the vectors are generated internally. Hence the value (wind speed) and angle (wind direction) of the vector are calculated.

Pdf Multiparametric sensor (7 measures)


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